Project Sheet

Project name | Expansão do Clube do Paiva
Project code | NORTE-07-5141-FEDER-000068
Main objective | Develop Adventure Activities in the Paiva River Valley and in Arouca; Consolidate Clube do Paiva’s position as a benchmark Adventure Sports company in the region
Region of intervention | North
Beneficiary organisation | Teles, Soares & Teles, Lda
Approval date | 2018-10-10
Start date | 2018-04-04
Completion date | 2021-01-02
Total eligible cost | 99.238,68 euros
Financial support from the European Union | 26.255,47 euros
Public financial support National/Regional | 0 euros
Project description:
The aim of this project is to develop a structuring role for Adventure Activities in the Paiva River Valley and in Arouca; to consolidate the position of Clube do Paiva as a benchmark Adventure Sports company in the region ;to collaborate closely with private and official entities – CMA, JFA, Tourism, Geopark; to broaden the range of existing offers as well as creating new ones; to create new jobs;
Improving existing services.